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Multi-Unit Rescue Taskforce Drill
By Chief of Department Jason Nickson
July 25, 2019
Last night members of the Bedford Hills Fire Department attended a Multi-Unit Rescue Taskforce Drill at The Harvey School in Katonah, simulating an Active Assailant Hostile Incident.
The Rescue Task Force is made up of members from all 3 Town Fire Departments and Katonah Bedford Hills Volunteer Ambulance Corps. These members volunteered for this team which is an additional responsibility and training on top of their regular firefighting responsibilities and trainings.
The Rescue Task Force enters a building during such an event and provides triage, immediate lifesaving measures and removal of patients to a larger triage area outside the building. We all hope that such an event will never happen but the town’s emergency services are always training for the worst.
Photo Credit: Deputy Chief Dean W. Pappas (Katonah FD)