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Ex Chief Timothy Hanrahan - Answers his Final Alarm
By Chief of Department Jason Nickson
August 20, 2020
It is with deep regret the Bedford Hills Fire Department announces the passing of Ex Chief Timothy Hanrahan.
Timmy has been an Life Member of Bedford Hills Fire Department for 58 years serving as Chief of Department in 1976.
Our thoughts and prayers are with the Hanrahan Family at this difficult time.
Service information will be posted as it becomes available.
Timmy was a great cop firefighter and an outstanding chief for the Bedford Hills community but he was an even better friend my thoughts are with you and his family he will be missed Rest in Peace Brother.
John A Marshall 3rd
August 28, 2020 at 7:04 AM
I was sad to hear of Tim's passing. Tim was a true public servant and volunteer. His contribution to the community for both police and fire was outstanding. I will miss being "picked" on by Tim!!!! I will miss my friend. There is nothing bigger than the heart of a volunteer!!! Tim was a great one.