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Tanker 5 - Seagrave Marauder II Stainless Steel Custom Tanker/Pumper
By Tanker 5 - Apparatus Committee
May 10, 2023
In April of 2021 the Board of Fire Commissioners tasked members of the Bedford Hills Fire Department in planning a committee to replace our current Tanker 5, a 2004 Seagrave Tanker/Pumper.
After hundreds of hours of research and development, countless meetings and day long work sessions, the Apparatus Committee came up with a set of specifications that will not only serve the needs of today but the needs of the future of the Bedford Hills Fire District.
Our new Tanker 5 will feature a 2025 Seagrave Marauder II cab and chassis, seating for eight firefighters, a 3000 Gallon Poly Tank and Zico racks for a portable pool and ladder. The tanker will also feature a low hose bed to accommodate a minimum of 1,000 Feet of 5” LDH and 500 Feet of 3” Hose as well as a booster reel, to fulfill multiple functions.
We thank the Board of Fire Commissioners, Seagrave Fire Apparatus and Hudson Valley Fire Equipment, LLC for working with us to build our new Tanker and look forward to it hitting the streets of Bedford Hills in 2025.