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Commercial Working Fire in Mount Kisco
By Deputy Chief Jason L. Nickson
October 3, 2023
In the early morning hours of Tuesday October 3, 2023, Bedford Hills FAST was requested to 92 S. Moger Ave in Mt. Kisco for a Working Structure Fire. Upon the arrival of Tower Ladder 57, the crew preformed their size-up and monitored fire conditions. Due to the rapidly deteriorating fire conditions a 2nd Alarm was transmitted and BHFD FAS was put to work - immediately assigned to the roof to preform vertical ventilation.
TL-57’s crew was met with multiple roof layers, ultimately opening up two large holes to relieve the crews below of smoke and heat. BHFD remained on scene to assist with ventilation and overhaul – until released by Command around 0600hrs.
Photos Courtesy FF Sulenski, FF Figliuzzi
Car 2031, Car 2032, Tower Ladder 57 (BHFD FAS Team)